Want to know how to change from teaching Home Economics to Food Technology ?
This diagram shows the basic
principles for developing a Food Technology Unit.
Food technology resources, ideas, stories and what nots from the Food Technology room.
Great Food Science resources! I own the complete range. I include them in my program but find them most useful for product development. http://mufti.massey.ac.nz/default.aspx. |
Process flow diagram
Process description
Potential hazards
Is this hazard severe?
Critical control points
Corrective actions when CCP is not under control
(Start and end of process)
Describe the actions taken in each step of the production flow diagram.
Identify if the hazards are biological, chemical or physical.
How likely can it occur?
How serious are the consequences?
E.g. time and temperature parameters.
What to do to bring the process back into control.